Computer with fundraising cookbook advertising promo on it

6 Easy Ways To Add Advertising To Your Fundraising Cookbook

Creating a cookbook for a fundraising event is a great way to not only raise needed funds for a worthy cause, but it also gets the community involved.

However, one of the most overlooked opportunities, for increasing the profitability of a fundraising cookbook is including advertising pages.

Local businesses are always looking for ways to show their community involvement and get their names in front of existing customers and potential new customers. Small space advertising is a very economical way to do just that.

Here are seven ideas from to make adding advertising to your fundraising cookbook as easy as possible.

1) Don’t do it alone – A fundraising committee makes all of the work less burdensome on any one individual. Get multiple people to help solicit advertising for the cookbook.

2) Create a one page flyer that describes the goals of the cookbook, the pricing of the ads, contact info,  and the technical specs needed for each ad. This way the people soliciting ads have something in writing to leave with the small business owner

3) Reach out to members of your community that are business owners. These are the most likely to place an ad in your cookbook. Don’t be offended if it’s not part of their budget or they choose not to.

4) Individual also like to support good causes so offer a page to list supporters at different levels. Think of bronze sponsorship, silver, sponsorship, and gold sponsorship levels. Keep these relatively inexpensive so that people can afford them.

5) With small businesses, who place an ad that have good foot, traffic, like a grocery store, drug store, or dry, cleaners, see if they would also be willing to sell the cookbook once it is printed. It will be another way for them to support the project.

6) Oh, don’t forget the big chains. The managers at most big chain department stores, gross stores, grocery stores, and restaurants often have a discretionary budget for local advertising. See if you can use some of that for your fundraising cookbook.

Bill Rice is the Co-Publisher of Family Cookbook Project and which helps individuals, churches, schools, teams and other fundraising groups create cherished personalized group cookbooks using peer-to-peer tools and the power of the Internet to meet group funding needs. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!

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